JH Turkington maximise business value with Sage Line 500
JH Turkington maximise business value with Sage Line 500

Customer Profile
Based in Portadown, County Armagh, J H Turkington & Sons Ltd are a major force in the Northern Ireland construction industry. Founded in 1951, they employ a multi-skilled 170-strong workforce, with annual turnover in excess of £35 million. Over the years, Turkingtons have evolved from a general building company into a large services and manufacturing organisation, involved in construction, civil engineering and the production of services and materials for the building trade in Ireland, the UK and beyond.
Sector: Construction
Business Need: Business Management
Location: Craigavon, Northern Ireland
Employees: 170 Employees

The Challenge
In 2002, management at Turkingtons received an 'end of life' statement from the suppliers of their business software. The search began to find a future-proof software solution backed by the right level of support, one which could accommodate Turkingtons' immediate business processes and offer a long-term, secure investment.

The Solution
Turkingtons purchased Sage Line 500, running on the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server platform and HP hardware, with a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database. Support is provided by Pinnacle for 32 users.
Sage Line 500 offered full accounting and distribution support, while the tight integration of an industry-leading contracting module provided specific support for contract sales, costing, subcontractors and other functions critical to any business in the construction sector.

The Benefits
Since the implementation, Sage Line 500 has extended into almost every corner of the business. Powerful management reporting enables Turkingtons to capitalise on the business information held across their operations.
Mark comments, “On both sides of the equation – purchasing and sales – it helps us to maximise the value of our relationships.” A major benefit is having real-time visibility of actual, committed and forecasted costs relating to specific projects.
"We are now able to analyse closely our profitability on every contract in each division, with instant access to real-time cash flow figures for both applications for payment and contract sales invoices. With every job in our windows and conservatories business being treated as a new contract, this saves us huge amounts of time and effort in that division alone, as you can imagine."
Richard Luckman, Managing Director
JH Turkington & Sons Ltd

The Future
In Sage Line 500, Turkingtons have a scalable system to support their goals for strategic growth and substantially reinforce their competitive advantage in the construction and building industry.
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